Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dear Jane I-8 Pete's Paintbox


Sue Daurio said...

Wow, don't know what it is about these colors but I absolutely love them. The flower in the middle really sets it off. I think I'm going to have to try one of these. Love how you tracking the progress and the pieces.

manos de chicureo said...

Hello, you have asking me what that fabric of Block A-6. I guess you mean the dark fabric. It is a cotton fabric and printing is tone over tone. It's the same white or beige cloth with stamped or design a very similar tone. It is a piece of fabric that I bought here in my country, Chile.
I love these colors you doing in your DJ.I will follow your progress by Janiac.
A hug,

Lynny said...

I love the colours in this block...hugs

Cool Cats and Quilts said...


ON THE TOP said...
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Toni said...

How do I get my hands on these fabrics for this block?

Unknown said...

Very good layout! Name? Thanks

Sandy said...

Oh my. What size is the block? Is there a pattern? Could we share with our quilting group who is currently doing a "log cabin" mystery challenge"